Are you getting tired of reading about all the foundation work we’ve had done?
Because I’m tired of writing about it.
And even more tired of enduring it.
Reno-weary. That’s us. It’s a real thing.
This happened today.
Fourteen new piers. If you’re counting, that brings our grand total to 78 piers we’ve installed in and around the house in the last 3 years. Insert all the tears, for all the $$$ spent.
But hopefully, these are the last piers we’ll need. This “small” area (front and side) are the only places around the house that didn’t already have any. Hard to believe there were actually any places left without them, huh?
The good news is, according to the engineer that came out last week, the rest of the house appears stable. Yay!!
We knew that this would be a possibility. When we installed the french drain to keep the living room from flooding with ground water (yes, coming up THROUGH the floor – we have underground springs around here), we knew that side of the house would start to dry out and contract. We had initially installed some piers to keep movement at bay, but didn’t think it would extend over this far.
And to that, the house said “here, hold my beer.” Lol!
Moving the water away from the house, we’ve also sadly lost two trees. The water is no longer standing, which apparently over the last year, was a shock to their system. Sad day. I love our trees.
But I guess we can plant more. It will just take time. I keep trying to remind myself, this all is just going to take time. And we’re not going anywhere anytime soon.
But this view? This view I want to be completely done with.
Maybe, just maybe, we can really start moving forward now. We didn’t want to start doing anything that required mortar in the bathroom upstairs until they lifted the house (that bathroom is right above where the lifting was happening). We didn’t want anything to crack that we would have just finished – so the upstairs bathroom is at a standstill. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a house that’s being lifted, but it can be a little jarring at times.
Who knows, we might be rebellious and start working on it before the 6-month “settling” period is over. Maybe we’ll live dangerously…but probably not. You may not believe this, but we’ve got one or two other things to keep us busy in the meantime. Lol!
Until then, we’re just praying that this last lifting didn’t damage any pipes we’ve already repaired. I probably shouldn’t say that out loud. Shhhh…. The house might hear me.
And as a bonus parting gift, we get two new holes in the floor by the front door.
Delightfully disguised by the latest designs in plywood until the concrete dries.
Because of that little squirrely dog right there. And the big goofy one you can’t see. They’re total troublemakers.